AGE OF BRONZE Book 3: Betrayal Part One – color edition


Political machinations and in-fighting embroil both sides in the Trojan War

135 in stock



Full Color Edition

The Story of the Trojan War
by Eric Shanower

Color by John Dallaire

176 color pages with color covers
Contains issues 20 through 26 of the comic book series
ISBN 978-1-5343-2324-7 paperback

All copies ordered via this website will be signed by the cartoonist Eric Shanower.
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Betrayal continues the award-winning graphic novel retelling of the Trojan War. The famous names of legend breathe anew as ancient Troy springs to life once more.

The army of High King Agamemnon battles its way across the sea toward Troy. On the island of Tenedos the young warrior Achilles leads the army to the attack. But before the slaughter ends, Achilles unexpectedly seals his fate.

During the feast of victory, a snake bites Philoktetes on the foot. His cries of pain are so loud and long that the army can’t stand having him around. Leave it to Odysseus to find a solution to the problem, a solution that satisfies the army but doesn’t sit quite so well with Philoktetes.

The Trojans are busy, preparing to repel an onslaught. Prince Hektor hopes that war can be stopped before it starts. And when Agamemnon sends an embassy from the army to Priam, peace seems within grasp. But it’s by no means sure. At long last Helen faces the husband she left behind. Will flying sparks rekindle a flame between them or ignite a conflagration that consumes all?

In Betrayal Part One, graphic novelist Eric Shanower continues his unique and detailed vision of one of the greatest stories in the world.

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For editions of Betrayal Part One in languages other than English, click here.

What people are saying about BETRAYAL PART ONE:

Starred Review. “Shanower’s people are well drawn in more ways than one, so readers can enjoy picking out the postures and expressions of individuals in a crowd scene. Impressive as the black and white art is, some of the panels are crammed with details, just as the pages are filled with text as the characters have their say. Then, readers notice how cleverly Troilus’s lovesick funk is treated in repetitious, mostly silent panels—or how subtly the climactic appearance of an Achaean embassy to Trojan King Priam, the last chance to prevent the impending war, is managed with a mixture of closeups and long shots, open line work and encroaching shadows. On all levels, this is a brilliant work.”
—Publishers Weekly

“In one of many expertly drawn battle sequences, we see Achilles’ skill and recklessness as he chases a young woman . . . and in her fragility we suddenly appreciate the desire to somehow ennoble life’s nasty, brutish shortness, even, irrationally, through war.”
—John Hodgman, New York Times Book Review

“. . . if there’s a story that every art-maker in the Western world is entitled to embellish, it’s this one, and Shanower’s treatment of it is gripping to read and beautiful to look at, a feast of images fit for the gods that he’s carved away from it.”
—Douglas Wolk,

“There is never a dull drawing, and each one carries the excitement and story forward. Shanower captures Helen’s beauty in black-and-white images that are rich in design and fine in line. Helen’s character, however, is not so lovingly drawn. Her vanity is matched only by the self-absorption of her second husband, Paris, son of Priam and architect of Troy’s downfall. Shanower has a talent for drawing facial expressions, and the smug look on Paris’s face has readers rooting for Troy’s enemies as expressed by Odysseus’s spit-spewing venom. The author skillfully weaves together many characters and story lines.”
—Will Marston, School Library Journal

“The invasion and fall of Troy is an epic tale with a huge cast. Betrayal . . . tells a long, complex story with flair and style, and is a must-read. The b/w art is action-oriented; characters have recognizable features; and crowd scenes are well done. The amount of research done by the author is impressive. . . .”
—George Galuschak, KLIATT

“The author/artist is a skilled practitioner of comic book art and story telling which, in itself, is sufficient recommendation, but he’s also carefully researched the era and it is relevant even today . . . Shanower has created a story that also reflects all the constant human emotions . . .”
—Alan Caruba, Bookviews

“This book should be in every school library, given to young male readers and used as an introduction to the Trojan War for anyone who thinks visually and enjoys manga and illustrated books.”
—Patrika Salmon, The Historical Novels Review

“The finest modern version of The Trojan War I’ve come across in any medium . . .”
Page 45

“Shanower’s exceptional plot and pace are outmatched only by the incredible artistic attention to detail present within each panel. . . . the comic-book equivalent of watching high-definition television.”
—Karen O’Brien, Comics Buyer’s Guide

“As informed and informative as it is engaging and entertaining . . .”
—Midwest Book Review

“. . . truly the fabled gift from the gods.”
—Greg McElhatton, Read About Comics

“Thank God that Eric Shanower will be our tour guide.”
—Carlos Ruiz, PlaybackSTL

“. . . beautifully told, illustrated in Shanower’s richly-textured clean line, with some variety in style used to indicate flashbacks or, in one surprisingly artful case, a sex scene. The backgrounds are lush, the characters expressive, and the story itself, detailing the conflicting motives of representatives of both sides of the struggle, fascinating.”
—Hal Johnson, PopCultureShock

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All materials are Copyright © 2000-2023 Eric Shanower. All rights reserved.
The Age of Bronze logo and all prominent characters and their likenesses are trademarks of Eric Shanower.
Image “i” logo is TM and copyright © 1992-2023 Image Comics, Inc.

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 10.5 × 7 × .5 in